Colombia Building Fund
We need your help. You can give, organize a team, or help raise funds.
We're asking for your help to provide a meeting place that will be the home to multiple ministries and give our churches a permanent, physical presence in the community. By renting the building to churches and ministries, we will create a self-replenishing fund that will help purchase land and buildings to send missionaries to start similar ministries in other locations. Click the button below to learn more about the many functions this building may serve, how it will pay for future church buildings, and what your part can be in this ministry.

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When they arrived as missionaries in 1971, Craig and Fran Lingo began laying the foundation for ministry in Colombia. They established the Colombian Baptist Bible Fellowship, planted churches that planted other churches, and trained and sent out missionaries. Because of their faithful focus, the ministry today can grow much more easily.
In 2009, the churches started an evangelistic camp ministry with the Rawlings Foundation. The camp ministry reached more than 20,000 adults and youth with the Gospel in its first ten years.
Scott and Kristi Hudgins arrived in Colombia as missionaries in 2007. They led a team from Craig and Fran's church in central Bogotá to start a new church in the north of Bogotá with Jonathan and Anna Saliba and Ali Alexander. Three years later, Scott and Kristi left the church with a Colombian pastor and the support of Jonathan, Anna, and Ali.
The Lingos turned their church over to national leadership shortly before Craig passed away in 2021. Fran Lingo is still focusing on training leaders and disciple-makers for the next wave of church-planting. Scott and Kristi Hudgins now work with Manna Worldwide developing projects around the world (including in multiple cities in Colombia). Manna's Training and Discipleship School in the mountains outside Bogotá, led by Hugo and Juliana Rodriguez, has become an incredible tool for training servant leaders for the churches. Jonathan and Anna Saliba are continuing to focus on the planting of more churches.