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Hudgins Update December 2022

Writer: Scott & Kristi HudginsScott & Kristi Hudgins

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We cannot think of a better way to spend the Christmas season than to walk where our Savior walked. This would have been the fourth trip for MANNA, but, because of Covid, we had to cancel two years in a row. Gary Phelps (Oak Hill Baptist Church), one of the pastors that went with us, expressed that someone had told him to enjoy his vacation to Israel. His response is why MANNA offers trips to the Holy Land. He said, “As a pastor, anytime I can put your faith in a place where it will be strengthened and to make you more bold in your faith, then I am accomplishing the mission that God gave me on earth.” We are privileged to be able to lead this trip yearly for MANNA. If you or your church would ever like to participate, please let us know. We have already started plans for next year. As an encouragement to you, our personal walk with the Lord has been greatly impacted through these trips. We have grown as we now view the Word of God in a very different light for having been there. When we sing Christmas songs, mental pictures are formed of the places we sing about. We celebrate the birth of our Savior in such a fresh and renewed way. We also have grown in our understanding of the sacrifice Christ made on our behalf. What a merciful gift we have received! We hope to never lose the awe we feel when we think about that gift.


Our hearts are so full because of the open door God gave us to lead a small group to visit our ministry partners in another nation in the Middle East. They are bold witnesses for Christ despite opposition. What a privilege it is to partner with them and then be inspired by their dedication to proclaim Him. Pray for our faithful partners and for the MANNA Children’s Program. During this Christmas season, they have opportunity to minister to approximately 2,000 kids. Due to the sensitive nature of the ministry there, we are unable to include details in a letter, but we would love to visit your church in order to share the amazing things God is doing. If you would like to contribute to this ministry, you can do so by sending them to MANNA Worldwide, project # 76704.


We pray that one day we will see people from Colombia and other countries go to serve in some of these places in the Middle East. Would you and your church consider adopting the Training & Discipleship School as your MANNA project? The total monthly cost is approximately $4,800. Gifts can be sent through your local church or directly to MANNA Worldwide, project # 76604 (

MERRY CHRISTMAS and thank you so much for your partnership with us!

Scott & Kristi



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