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This time of year causes us to reflect on the past year and look forward to the next. God’s steadfast love and faithfulness is always on showcase. We are amazed at His sovereign and gracious work around the world. We don’t deserve anything and yet He does “far more abundantly than all that we ask or think” (Ephesians 3:20).

This year we ministered alongside sixteen local churches from the US and nine local churches around the world to proclaim the gospel. Our ministry partners in the States and on the field are faithful to disciple their congregations and to reach their communities. The fruit of such work is often seen on short-term missions trips which we have the privilege of facilitating. During those visits, God gives opportunities to creatively and boldly share the gospel. Many plant and many water, but it is God who gives the increase (1 Corinthians 3:6).
That growth is seen in the lives of believers as they are challenged to go and proclaim the gospel and in the lives of unbelievers as they repent of their sin and place their faith in Christ. What a privilege it is to be able to tell you that 35 people came to Christ during these visits this year! With much thanksgiving and humility, we praise God for the His multi-layer work to accomplish His redemptive plan.
Dai from Colombia is one of those who gave her life to Christ. This is her story. Dai’s daughter went to the MANNA Nutrition Center in La Calera for the first time that day. Jose and Ingrid, a Venezuelan couple from the partnering church, along with Hugo and Juliana and the students from the Discipleship School, serve at this project. They faithfully share the gospel every chance they get and it was no different on this particular day. Ingrid scheduled a home visit with her the same day. We visited her and her daughter with a team from the States. Jose was with the group and he got right to the point. He carefully explained the gospel and then asked her, “Do you want to accept this gift?” Her immediate response was yes! Not only did the group get to witness this incredible transformation from death to life, our daughter Joy had the privilege of leading her in prayer. God uses these moments to show trip participants that they can do this where they live.

You have been so faithful to share the gospel in your communities and to support gospel work around the world. This causes us to rejoice greatly! Thank you for your faithfulness to the Lord and to us. Borrowing from the Paul, we thank our God in all our remembrance of you (Philippians 1:3).
As we look forward to the coming year, we already have so much on the calendar. We have open doors in some new countries and others in places we love and with people we call family. This has been an incredible journey and we look forward to many more years serving together with you. We wish you a wonderful Christmas, remembering the coming of our Savior, and, as you celebrate the New Year, may you rejoice in all that God has done and is doing.