Jonathan & Anna SalibaSaliba Update March 2023Our church in north Bogotá took 14 people on a mission trip in December. We put on a camp for two churches, did a lot of work on a church...
Jonathan & Anna SalibaAnnouncing: The Colombia Building FundWe are shifting into fundraising mode for the Colombia Building Fund! So far, we haven't really pushed this project, and yet almost $70,000
Manna WorldwideThe Do Your Good Tour (7/7)Thanks so much for following along, it's been a crazy ride and we can't wait for the future!
Manna WorldwideThe Do Your Good Tour (6/7)Santa Marta is a hot spot in the Venezuelan refugee crisis, being that Colombia is their neighbor. We are so fortunate to have amazing...
Manna WorldwideThe Do Your Good Tour (5/7)Santa Marta went from a quiet vacation spot the center of a refugee crisis in the matter of a year. We're super excited to show you the...
Manna WorldwideThe Do Your Good Tour (4/7)We were lucky to have such good friends in a place we do not know. That makes the weekends and time off much more fun, especially when...