Craig & Fran LingoLingo Update October 2020Generally speaking, Americans are task-oriented and Latins are people-oriented. How does that play out in real life? If you are an...
Scott & Kristi HudginsHudgins Update September 2020Before Covid hit, we had the awesome opportunity to take our church in Colombia on their first ever international missions trip.
Jonathan & Anna SalibaSaliba Update July 2020Last time we wrote, the quarantine was just getting started here in Colombia. Starting out, our neighborhood was said to have had the...
Manna WorldwideThe Do Your Good Tour (7/7)Thanks so much for following along, it's been a crazy ride and we can't wait for the future!
Ali AlexanderAlexander Update May 2020We started the month of March on a high note because it meant the beginning of Kids Month (VBS)!
Manna WorldwideThe Do Your Good Tour (6/7)Santa Marta is a hot spot in the Venezuelan refugee crisis, being that Colombia is their neighbor. We are so fortunate to have amazing...